A free whitepaper is available from Heavy Duty Trucking magazine called "ELDs: The Final...

A free whitepaper is available from Heavy Duty Trucking magazine called "ELDs: The Final Countdown," and it offers in depth information on getting the most out of electronic logging devices.

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A special downloadable supplement by the editorial staff of Heavy Duty Trucking magazine, "ELDs: The Final Countdown," offers in-depth information on managing the ELD-to-AOBRD transition and getting the most out of electronic logging devices.

The whitepaper includes articles on transitioning from grandfathered automatic onboard recording devices to mandatory electronic logging devices by the December deadline, as well as making sure your ELDs are compliant, how ELDs will be enforced by inspectors, data that ELDs can provide fleets to improve operations, and a listing of ELD suppliers:

Countdown to December

A significant number of fleets are still running grandfathered AOBRDs. What do they need to know before the December deadline?

Is your ELD really compliant?

What carriers should ask their providers to make sure their ELDs will be fully compliant come the final deadline?

Enforcement: What drivers need to know

Common misconceptions among drivers, roadside officials, and fleets. Drivers need to understand the rules – what they need to have in their truck, how to share data etc.

The gold mine of ELD data

Fleets can use ELD data to better manage their business, use them as the building block of wider telematics capabilities, work with shippers to address detention time, and more.

Who’s who in ELD suppliers

A listing of companies offering ELDs, based on FMCSA’s certified ELD list.

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Staff Writer

Staff Writer


Our team of enterprising editors brings years of experience covering the fleet industry. We offer a deep understanding of trends and the ever-evolving landscapes we cover in fleet, trucking, and transportation.  

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