Trucking Info
May 21, 2024

Tearing Down Barriers Facing Women in Trucking [Video]


The National Transportation Institute's Leah Shaver challenges some conventional thinking about women in trucking, from behind the wheel to the board room, in this episode of HDT Talks Trucking.


Shaver is president and CEO of the National Transportation Institute, which recently surveyed women about the challenges they encounter in the trucking industry — and she has some ideas on what motor carriers can do to address them in this interview with HDT Editor and Associate Publisher Deborah Lockridge.


It starts, she says, by addressing the barriers we’ve built for working moms, finding creative solutions to childcare, and overhauling the structures we’ve built to train industry newcomers.


Learn More About the Challenges Women Face in Trucking

NTI Survey Shines a Light on the Hurdles and Opportunities to Advancement for Women in Trucking

Real Talk: The One Vital Element We Must Get Right As an Industry for Women to Join us and Excel

Trucking and Women: Difficult Discussions a Must for Moving Forward


What you'll hear in this episode:

  • Personal insights into how trucking's approach to women has changed
  • It's not just about women truck drivers
  • How has trucking traditionally responded to barriers faced by women in the industry?
  • Work-life balance and childcare
  • Why it's even more challenging for women truck drivers
  • What are some things trucking fleets can do that want to help with the childcare challenge?
  • Are there companies out there that are getting this right?

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