In the U.S., the out-of-service rate was 13.5% out of the 28,694 commercial motor vehicles...

In the U.S., the out-of-service rate was 13.5% out of the 28,694 commercial motor vehicles inspected.

Photo: Jim Park

During Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s Brake Safety Week inspection and enforcement initiative, 88% of commercial motor vehicles inspected throughout North America did not have brake-related critical vehicle inspection item violations.

In North America, inspectors inspected nearly 35,764 commercial motor vehicles total.  In the U.S., the out-of-service rate was 13.5% out of the 28,694 commercial motor vehicles inspected between Aug. 22 and Aug. 28.

In Canada, 1,903 commercial motor vehicles were inspected. The brake-related out-of-service rate was 15.4%. And in Mexico, 5,167 inspections were conducted with a brake-specific out-of-service rate of 2.6%.

Every year, for Brake Safety Week, law enforcement jurisdictions with the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance conduct commercial motor vehicle and driver inspections at fixed weigh stations, temporary pop-up inspection sites and during roving roadway patrols, paying special attention to brake components and systems.

Participating jurisdictions capture and report data on inspections and the special focus area for that year. This year, the focus was on brake hose chafing violations.

Inspectors across North America recorded 5,667 brake hose chafing violations, which are a common brake-related violation, whether out-of-service or not. Inspectors reported brake hose chafing violations in five different categories, illustrating levels of chafing severity, including two which are out-of-service conditions, and submitted that data to CVSA, CVSA officials said in a press release.

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