Mitchell 1 has added new features to its TruckSeries maintenance software. - Photo: Mitchel 1

Mitchell 1 has added new features to its TruckSeries maintenance software.

Photo: Mitchel 1

Mitchell 1 has unveiled a new feature within its TruckSeries maintenance software designed to help technicians find and recognize antilock braking system, engine, and transmission identification tags on trucks undergoing service.

The company said when trucks are brought in for diagnosis and repair at service centers, this new feature helps technicians quickly locate and identify the system control module.

“We spend a lot of time with customers to ensure that TruckSeries is user-friendly and meets their expectations. Sometimes we hear about tasks that cause a minor bump in the road, and addressing these issues is a priority for us,” said Kristy Coffman, director of Mitchell 1’s Commercial Vehicle Group.

ID Tags

Adding the ID tags was fairly easy to accomplish and has been very well received. Coffman explained.

“It saves time so technicians can get trucks back on the road faster. This frees up service bays for additional jobs, and in turn, boosts overall revenue for the shop,” she added.

The new ID Tag identification and location feature is accessible within TruckSeries, both in the 1Search and service manual sections.

Under the “Common Specs” button for the current vehicle in 1Search, there’s an option named “ABS-Transmission-Engine-Identification Tag Locations,” leading users to the ID tag information.

Upon selecting the link, an article with headers for ABS, engine, and transmission tag locations is presented. Clicking on the ABS Identification Tag Locations reveals a list of available ABS manufacturers for the truck makes and models in TruckSeries.

 Once the controller is located and identified, the user can confidently open the TruckSeries vehicle selector and select the correct controller from the menu selections. Additionally, users can open and enlarge images of the controllers for easier, detailed viewing.

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