Beginning Friday, March 18, motorists who speed, tailgate or otherwise drive recklessly on an 11-mile stretch of I-95 in Prince William County, Va., face fines up to $2,500.
Virginia DOT Launches I-95 Safety Campaign
Virginia DOT Launches I-95 Safety Campaign
Virginia State Police will begin ticketing violators at 12:01 a.m. March 18. This is part of a major effort to reduce accidents on one of the state’s most crash prone stretches of the highway, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) announced today.
VDOT, working with Virginia State Police and the Department of Motor
Vehicles, is designating I-95 from Route 619 near Quantico to Route 123 near Occoquan a Highway Safety Corridor to improve safety. From 2000 through 2002, 800 people were injured and nine people died in 1,623 crashes in the designated area. “This initiative is about saving lives,” said Dennis Morrison, VDOT District Administrator for Northern Virginia.