Joe Mejaly previously spent 27 years with Meritor, serving in various roles within the...

Joe Mejaly previously spent 27 years with Meritor, serving in various roles within the aftermarket and commercial truck businesses.

Photo: Denso

Meritor appointed Joe Mejaly vice president of the North America aftermarket to oversee and lead all aspects of the Meritor’s aftermarket business, and executive the company’s strategic objectives.

Mejaly has 36 years of experience in the commercial vehicle industry. Most recently, he served as senior VP of aftermarket operations, sales, strategic planning, marketing and remanufacturing at Denso Products and Services Americas.

Prior to his five-year stint at Denso, Mejaly worked at AxleTech International as VP and general manager. Mejaly also spent 27 years with Meritor, serving in various roles within the aftermarket and commercial truck businesses.

He will report to Tim Bowes, SVP and president of industrial and North America aftermarket and electrification.

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