Truck service centers can get free heat this winter by using Clean Burn energy systems. Used motor oil removed from vehicles on a daily basis at service centers is "fed" into a Clean Burn used oil furnace
Used Motor Oil Used as Free Heat for the Winter
Used Motor Oil Used as Free Heat for the Winter
or boiler and is then converted to free heating for the facility.
"An auto or fleet service center typically saves thousands of dollars annually on their fuel bills, depending on the volume of used oil they generate and the current cost of alternate sources of fuel," said Michael Shirk, president and CEO of Clean Burn. "The purchase of a Clean Burn system results in an 18- to 24-month return on investment, on average.
Following this payback period, Clean Burn systems allow business owners to pocket the annual savings that they had previously spent on fuel."
As the winter months approach, auto and fleet service center owners are increasing their usage of Clean Burn systems to offset rising energy costs. Clean Burn's Used-Oil Coil Tube Boilers recycle used oils into hot water technology for use in car washes, baseboard and in-floor heating, and ice melt applications.
The company's Low Profile Used-Oil Furnaces are ideal for small to mid-sized facilities, and those areas with limited ceiling heights. These systems can be utilized as unit heaters or can be ducted as central furnaces. Hot air discharge louvers can be installed to direct heat precisely where it's needed in a facility.
And, for large service centers, the Clean Burn Large Volume Used-Oil Furnaces provide high-volume heating capacity along with a patented three-pass heat exchanger. These systems can be used as unit heaters or can be ducted as central furnaces.
"One of our best selling products for auto and truck fleet service locations is the Used-Oil Recycling Center from Clean Burn," says Shirk. "This self-contained, on-site recycling and heating system allows businesses to store and burn used oil conveniently and efficiently. The Recycling Center works in tandem with Clean Burn used-oil furnaces and has a UL-listed 250 gallon storage tank that supplies oil to the furnace."
For more information, visit or call (800) 331-0183.