April 15 is the closing date for registration to attend the American Council of Frame and Alignment Specialists' (ACOFAS) latest Technician Training clinic.
Deadline Near for ACOFAS Tech Training Clinic
Deadline Near for ACOFAS Tech Training Clinic

This clinic is being held at the Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems training facility in Huntington, Ind., and is limited to 22 technicians.
Understanding the effects of the ABS 6 Driver Assist Module and Electronic Stability programming is critical to all technicians involved with front-end alignment, chassis alignment, front-end component and suspension repair or modification and brake repair. Failing to know or understand how these systems are all combined in this new technology could result in placing an unsafe vehicle on the highways.
ACOFAS focuses on technician training. Past training clinics have included: front-end and total chassis alignment; axle straightening; steering gear analysis and repair; frame diagnostics and straightening; and most recently, steering and suspension enhancements.
This clinic, as in all ACOFAS clinics, will be a combination of classroom and hands-on training. To register, log onto www.acofas.com and go to the registration form. For further information, contact Tony Porretta at (215) 416-2467.