Industry leaders joined President Bush in praising the Senate for its unanimous vote last Friday, confirming Mary Peters as the 15th secretary of the Department of Transportation.
Industry Lauds Senate Confirmation of Peters as DOT Chief
Industry Lauds Senate Confirmation of Peters as DOT Chief

President Bush said in a statement he was "pleased that the Senate swiftly confirmed" the former head of the Federal Highway Administration to replace Norman Mineta as transportation secretary. Bush nominated Peters less than a month ago.
On Monday, American Trucking Associations President and CEO Bill Graves said, “On behalf of the trucking industry, I congratulate Mary Peters on her confirmation as the new Secretary of Transportation. Mary is a leader whose knowledge of our nation’s transportation system makes her a strong advocate for infrastructure improvements. We look forward to working with Mary to design and implement a strategy that moves transportation forward safely and efficiently.”
And the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) Monday also applauded the U.S. Senate for its bipartisan support.
"We are fortunate to have Mary Peters in this leadership role in transportation at a time when we face such significant challenges," said AGC CEO Stephen E. Sandherr. "Our infrastructure is aging, congestion is growing, and freight movement is increasing all at a time when revenue to meet these needs is shrinking.
“Our Interstate Highway System just celebrated its 50th anniversary, and while its construction was a tremendous feat, it is beginning to show its age and many segments will need to be rebuilt in the coming years. In addition, the number of cars and trucks on our roads is multiplying at a staggering rate. Peters brings her many years of transportation experience, both at the Arizona DOT and the Federal Highway Administration, to Washington at a time when these significant hurdles need to be addressed.”