Visitors to the Miller Electric booth (No. 23713 in Tools & Equipment section) at this year’s SEMA show will have the opportunity to see the latest welding and plasma-cutting equipment and participate
Miller Electric Demos Welding Products at SEMA
Miller Electric Demos Welding Products at SEMA
in hands-on welding and plasma-cutting demonstrations. SEMA will take place in Las Vegas, Nev., Oct. 31 through Nov. 3, 2006.
New products on display will include the Syncrowave 200 AC/DC TIG/Stick welder, Spectrum 375 X-TREME plasma cutter and The Joker and Camouflage design additions to Miller’s line of auto-darkening welding helmets. Weldcraft, which specializes in TIG torches and accessories, will share Miller’s booth to showcase its MT-125 water-cooled micro TIG torch and the SF 225 Modular Flex Head Torch Package. Both torches offer optimized performance and the ability to TIG weld in hard-to-reach areas.