XATA Corp., Minneapolis, Minn. announced it was awarded a contract for the deployment of 5,500 XATANET 3.0 Systems into one of the nation’s largest private truck fleets. The XATA press release did not name the fleet.
XATA Wins Contract for 5,500 XATANET Systems
XATA Wins Contract for 5,500 XATANET Systems

XATA said it expects to begin deploying the systems in its fiscal 2005 fourth quarter ending Sept. 30, 2005, with completion expected in the early part of fiscal 2006. Since XATANET is a subscription-based product, revenue is recognized ratably over the initial term of each subscription rather than fully at the time of delivery.
According to the company, XATA systems are installed in more than 40,000 trucks at over 1,000 distribution centers across North America.
For more information, go to www.xata.com.