Motorola Inc. will showcase Networkcar’s Networkfleet product in its booth during the 15th Annual DistribuTECH Automation and Technology Conference
Motorola Will Feature Network Car at DistribuTECH Show
Motorola Will Feature Network Car at DistribuTECH Show
for Utilities being held in San Diego, January 25-27.
Last year Motorola and Networkcar signed an agreement under which Motorola is targeting sales of Networkfleet to its existing markets.
Networkcar's system provides remote vehicle diagnostics, collecting detailed performance data from a vehicle's engine computer and location-based information from a global positioning system. The data is then transmitted to the Networkcar operation center and made available on the Web. Fleet managers can read fault codes in time to prevent serious damage. They can monitor current location, fuel consumption, mileage, emission status, speed, driver behavior and more. Networkcar sends data in real time over Cingular's gound-based Mobitex network
According to the Networkfleet Web site, a system installs in a vehicle in under 30 minutes without hard wiring.
For more information, visit