Samsung last week unveiled the SCH-S310,
Is That a Samurai in Training? No! It's a Driver Expressing Himself to Dispatch With His SlashPhone!
Is That a Samurai in Training? No! It's a Driver Expressing Himself to Dispatch With His SlashPhone!
a motion-sensitive handset that translates movements the user makes and into commands. For example, if a user shakes the phone twice, it will end a call or delete a message.
Samsung says on its Web site that it has succeeded where Microsoft and IBM have so far failed. It calls its motion-recognition handset the SlashPhone.
Samsung said the phone can recognize and translate more complex movements, including dialing numbers drawn in the air using the handset or recognizing an "o" or an "x" drawn in the air as a yes or no command. Additionally, the phone features a magnetic-sensor-based compass.
The company plans to build in more features, including support for games that rely on motion. The phone will be available in South Korea initially.