Ryder System Inc. announced it was honored with the DaimlerChrysler Corporation Gold Award for a 12th consecutive year.
Ryder Earns DaimlerChrysler Gold Award -- Again
Ryder Earns DaimlerChrysler Gold Award -- Again

The award is presented annually to supply chain partners in recognition of outstanding performance in the areas of cost, quality, technology and delivery.
"Ryder received this award from the DaimlerChrysler Corp. for their superior performance in logistics planning and support services for material flow throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico," said Edward T. Sprock, director of logistics for DaimlerChrysler. "The Ryder team that serves DaimlerChrysler's business has again earned the prestigious Gold Award because they continue to provide and support solutions that allow us to meet the highest standards for production, quality and delivery set by the DaimlerChrysler Corporation."
For more information about Ryder, visit http://www.ryder.com.