SMC3, Peachtree City, Ga., said that many shippers are now using a single SMC3 rating product to rate both LTL and small parcel shipments.
SMC3: Shippers Looking for Small Package Rates
SMC3: Shippers Looking for Small Package Rates

"When shippers require smaller, more frequent shipments, it's important for them to be able to plan and optimize these shipments by receiving a small package rate early in the process," said Jack E. Middleton, president and CEO of SMC3. "SMC3 addresses this by including small package rating functionalities in many of our products."
SMC3's RateWare product is a planning tool for LTL and small package shipments. The RateWare rating engine accepts the rates of major LTL carriers, large shippers who have their own tariffs and many of the industry's base rate tariffs, including SMC3's CzarLite, CanadaLite and intra-Canadian rates. Standard FedEx and UPS package rates are also available at a variety of service levels (express, ground, cwt., etc.) and from all points to all points within the contiguous U.S.
The number of tariffs available through RateWare is over 4,000 and growing. These tariffs include current effective data and historical data for held rate levels, corporate bidding, auditing and analysis. With all this information at their fingertips, shippers can easily manage LTL/small package shipment costing and pricing, including carrier-specific discounts and accessorial charges, in a streamlined and efficient process.
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