Maddocks Systems Inc., developers of TruckMate for Windows trucking software, said more than 300 attended the annual TruckMate users conference
More than 300 Attend Maddocks Users Conference
More than 300 Attend Maddocks Users Conference
held earlier this month in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Attendees from carriers across North America experienced four days of seminars, discussion groups and product training.
The 2003 conference focused on the ability of Maddocks clients to maximize their investment in TruckMate by expanding the range of services they provide customers. New product enhancements in TruckMate were introduced including, web aata interchange, warehousing and intermodal operations.
The conference saw the launch of formal TruckMate user groups to represent each trucking mode. These groups plan to meet quarterly to identify issues specific to their segment of the trucking industry.
“Our clients play a crucial role in the type of new features and future enhancements developed for TruckMate for Windows. As a company we pride ourselves on adapting to changes in the industry to continually provide the solutions and services our customers need to maintain their success.” said Bob Maddocks.
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