RingCentral, San Mateo, Calif., has unveiled 800-Works Unlimited, a flat-rate, toll-free service to manage all mobiles communications needs, including incoming calls, voicemail, faxing and call routing.
RingCentral Offers Unlimited Toll-Free Mobile Office Solution
RingCentral Offers Unlimited Toll-Free Mobile Office Solution

800-Works Unlimited provides a one-number solution for phone calls and faxes to ensure that no valuable call is missed. The $39.99 per month solution is the newest of three solutions now available at www.RingCentral.net.
According to a company announcement, 800-Works users receive a personal toll-free number with unlimited incoming calls, no special setup and no extra phone lines. FindMe/FollowMe call routing allows users to choose how and where to route incoming calls -- from basic call forwarding to directing calls to up to four numbers. RingCentral's Internet Fax allows users to send and receive faxes directly from their PCs to any fax number. This provides immediate cost savings by eliminating the need for a dedicated fax line.
Home-based customers can give out a private number and users can access call screening on the phone or computer. Users can listen to their voicemail messages from any phone, on the Internet or have them sent via email as .wav attachments. Notification is available to any communications device. Functionality can be configured on the Internet and all voicemails and faxes are password-protected.
For more information visit www.RingCentral.com.