GEOCOMtms ,Quebec City, Canada, announced that La Presse Ltd., a leading French language newspaper in North America has implemented A.MAZE Software.
La Presse Selects A.MAZE Routing and Optimization
The A.MAZE solution simultaneously optimizes the routing and scheduling of fleet operations
From its production facilities, La Presse delivers daily to a variety of delivery points including individual paper delivery people, restaurants, convenience stores, hotels, delivery stands and distribution centers.
Newspaper distribution is a time-sensitive business because of the perishable nature of the product. A newspaper loses all its value to the subscriber when delivered late. The A.MAZE solution optimizes the delivery process while increasing utilization of not only the delivery assets but also the production assets.
Jacques Gagnon, distribution director at La Presse, said, "We were looking for a system that would give us the flexibility to guarantee reliable delivery times to suit the needs of our subscribers, who leave earlier and earlier for work. A.MAZE Routes is the only qualified software solution that has the capabilities to properly geocode our clients and the ability to optimize our geographical zones and routes."
Bernard Têtu, president and CEO at GEOCOMtms said, "We are thrilled that the A.MAZE software was successfully implemented at La Presse to model and streamline their route distribution. It’s a pleasure to work with a company that understands how powerful a technological solution can be in ensuring customer satisfaction and better returns."