Distracted driving is a major contributor to crashes, and Drive Safely Work Week, Sept. 10-14, is asking employers to spread the word.
It's Drive Safely Work Week
It's Drive Safely Work Week

The week is the project of the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety, a non-profit group. NETS Monday released a study showing that 39 percent of all employees engage in distracting behavior when driving from work.
John Moffat, Chair of the National Association of Governors' Highway Safety Representatives, said he was not surprised to see such a high number of distracted drivers.
"We know from experiences that driver distractions are a serious highway safety challenge," Moffat said. "This results from our growing commutes and drivers' need to multi- task in their vehicles. People need to know how to better manage distractions so they can focus on driving safely. I hope employers will take advantage of Drive Safely Work Week and educate their employees on all type of distractions, including cell phones. While the distracted driving problem is far greater than just cell phones, one thing an employer can do is discourage their use while driving as part of the company's employment policies."
For more information, visit www.trafficsafety.org or contact NETS at 202-452-6004.