TMI-MultiMedia Recruiting of Nashville, Tenn., now offers Internet access to their Company Store, where trucking companies can order merchandise such as shirts and jackets, lighted pens, maps, specialty items and more, all of which may feature a logo.
TMI-MultiMedia Recruiting Offers Web Store
TMI-MultiMedia Recruiting Offers Web Store

The TMI-MultiMedia Recruiting Company Store features a price breakdown according to fleet size. A number of shipping options are available for individuals or companies.
However, you cannot access TMI's Company Store web page without registering first. Company Store access codes can be obtained through an Account Executive or by contacting Kelley Walkup at (615) 377-3990 x 301.
TMI-MultiMedia Recruiting is affiliated with TripPak EXPRESS and TripPak ONLINE, document handling services for the truckload industry.