Heay Duty Trucking was named a Neal finalist for its three-part series on...

Heay Duty Trucking was named a Neal finalist for its three-part series on driver-management issues and was also named a finalist for three articles providing technical how-to content. 

Photo: HDT

Heavy Duty Trucking's editors have been named finalists in two categories of the 65th Annual Jesse H. Neal Awards, which recognize excellence in business journalism.

HDT was named a finalist for Best Series for a three-part series of articles that delved deeply into several specific aspects of managing truck drivers.

The series consists of:

HDT was also named a finalist in the Best Instructional Content category for three articles that provided how-to advice on different subjects.

The recognized articles are:

Over the years, the editors of Heavy Duty Trucking have been honored with 29 Neal Awards and 39 additional finalist/certificate of merit honors, as well as the Grand Neal Award.

The Jesse H. Neal Awards were created in 1955, by what was then the American Business Press and today is Connectiv, to recognize and reward editorial excellence in business publications. They are named after the association's first managing director, who remained active in promoting the B2B industry throughout his life.

All Neal entries go through a two-tiered screening process to reach the final judging round. Entries are scored in three areas: journalistic enterprise, extent of service to the field, and editorial craftsmanship. A panel of judges, 12 to 18 professionals knowledgeable in all aspects of business journalism, makes the final decisions.