The State of California has granted On The Go Transportation Services, Garden Grove, Calif., the authority to continue processing IRP transactions, including the issuance of apportioned plates and credentials.
Compliance Company Processes IRP Transactions For California Truckers
Compliance Company Processes IRP Transactions For California Truckers
According to OTG, all local state DMV field offices are no longer able to process these applications starting this month.

All IRP applications have to be processed by mail directly to Sacramento by carriers and licensing agents, and for truckers requiring credentials for their fleet, this change will result in delays of up to 10 days before their truck can be legally placed in service.

"We understand that most carriers cannot wait extended times before they place their vehicles into service," said Karen Christensen, president of OTG. "The loss of revenue this can cause a business, is more than many companies can bear, especially in this tight economy. Many can't afford to wait for even a temporary registration in order to operate a vehicle they needed yesterday. OTG can issue them operating permits, plates, stickers within 24 hours or less directly from our office."

OTG, which has been in the compliance service industry for more than 36 years, offers other compliance services, such as new company setup for all state and federal requirements, intrastate vehicle registration and tracking, a California number and motor carrier permit, pull notice, federal U.S. DOT and FHWA processing, UCR filings, and IFTA license and decals. Other services include hazardous material permits for all states and federal, fuel and mileage tax reporting, record keeping requirements, sales tax exemption qualification, safety classes, California drivers license insurance program, and preparation for CSA 2010.

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