Minnesota-based OTC, an SPX Brand, has developed two-ton and five-ton GripLock Pullers, which can provide a fast pulling solution for medium- and heavy-duty truck technicians
OTC Rolls Out New GripLock Pullers
OTC Rolls Out New GripLock Pullers
. The pullers can be used for a wide variety of press-fit parts, including gears, pulleys, bearings, seals and bushings.

The new pullers feature both external and internal pulling action as well as two- and three-jaw configurations. With yoke arms that are equipped with two positions for jaw placement, spread control and pulling force are optimized. No wrenches are needed for installation, as the design includes a Live Center action forcing screw, and a pressure bearing yoke cap that holds the jaws in place.

The 464 GripLock Puller has a four-inch maximum reach and a three- to four-inch spread. The 465 GripLock Puller has a seven-inch maximum reach, and a three- to seven-inch spread.

More info: www.otctools.com