SPX Filtran has introduced DoubleDuty diesel engine spin-on oil filters, guaranteed to at least double current oil change intervals and provide financial and environmental savings.
SPX Filtran DoubleDuty Can Extend Oil Change Intervals
SPX Filtran DoubleDuty Can Extend Oil Change Intervals

Field proven results, with over 5 million miles of actual truck operation, have confirmed the filters' performance, according to the company.

DoubleDuty filters are designed with a high-performance, full-flow filter element and an integrated bypass media element rated at 99.9 percent efficiency at 4 microns. DoubleDuty filters are offered as a direct OE replacement, easily installed with the addition of a single bypass return line (from the bottom of the filter to the existing engine return port).

In addition, SPX Filtran offers OilTracker oil analysis services and sample kits to verify oil cleanliness and oil change interval dates with personalized data and trending reports.

More info: www.spxfiltran.com