Oil Eater, Skokie, Ill., introduced the Transportation Spill Kit, an all-in-one professional grade emergency clean up system for hazardous spills.
Oil Eater Spill Kit for Emergency Cleanups
Oil Eater Spill Kit for Emergency Cleanups

The kit is housed in a compact, water-resistant storage bag that easily fits inside a vehicle and includes everything needed to handle the first response to a hazardous spill situation. It can also help drivers comply with DOT requirements.

Included are 10 absorbent pads, three universal snakes, a spill emergency check list and protective gloves. Also included are three oil-resistant high temperature disposal bags and a 1-quart bottle of Oil Eater Cleaner/Degreaser formulated to clean surfaces after absorption of a spill.

More info: www.oileater.com