Heavy Duty Trucking named Donielle Dziedzic, director of loss prevention for A. Duie Pyle, as...

Heavy Duty Trucking named Donielle Dziedzic, director of loss prevention for A. Duie Pyle, as its 2021 Safety & Compliance award winner.

Graphic: HDT

As part of the Fleet Safety Experience, an all-virtual companion to the Fleet Safety Conference, Heavy Duty Trucking named Donielle Dziedzic, director of loss prevention for A. Duie Pyle, as its 2021 Safety & Compliance award winner.

Dziedzic’s win was presented during a fleet manager roundtable on safety issues, which include HDT’s 2020 HDT Safety & Compliance winner Adan Lang, Halvor Lines’ chief risk officer, and HDT’s Equipment Editor Jim Park. The award was sponsored by J.J. Keller & Associates.

Dziedzic has been with A. Duie Pyle for six years. In her current role, she is accountable the company’s Corporate Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) program. 

She serves in an advisory role to the company leadership team; oversees the safety inspection/audit program; establishes processes and procedures to identify and analyze, and then prevent, potential workplace hazards; and designs and implements the company’s corporate Work Related Injury Management program.

In addition, Dziedzic is responsible for continually monitoring regulatory requirements to ensure company compliance with regulations promulgated by Department of Transportation, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, state Departments of Environmental Protection, the Food and Drug Administration, the Transportation Security Administration and the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Dziedzic spent over 20 years working within the environmental consulting industry where she spent 10 of those years consulting for A. Duie Pyle in preparing required environmental permits, reporting and planning to meet local, state, and federal regulatory compliance.

She is also an active member of the American Trucking Associations Safety Management Council and currently is the chairman of the Benchmarking Working Group.

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