More than 100 representatives of companies that make vehicles, components and parts ranging from cars to truck anti-idling and safety devices were in Washington, D.C., last week to meet with their senators and representatives
on issues such as climate change, counterfeit parts and tax incentives for purchases of truck safety technology.

The Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association held its fifth annual Legislative Summit June 10-11. MEMA hosted an educational session with advice on how to talk to lawmakers about the industry's concerns, what the hot-button issues were, and the importance of companies developing legislative outreach programs.

One of the biggest draws for this year's summit was H.R. 3820, a bill in the House of Representatives that would provide a targeted tax incentive for the purchase of vehicles and technologies such as collision warning systems, lane departure warning systems, blind spot warning systems, vehicle stability control and brake stroke monitoring.

Other hot issues affecting the heavy duty industry that were discussed included counterfeit parts, climate change legislation, and remanufacturing.

Organizers emphasized that this is a great year to be talking to legislators. They'll be home a lot in August and October, and this is an election year. They encouraged companies to invite their senators and representatives to tour their facilities for a first-hand look at just how sophisticated, complex and expensive motor vehicle related manufacturing has become.