TMW Systems, Beachwood, Ohio, projects 2004 results will surpass goals. This follows record third quarter sales for the trucking enterprise software provider.
TMW's 2004 Results? Gangbusters!

“New orders have been coming in at a record pace. License sales alone are up 38% this year. Finishing the year with these projections will put us at 16 years of sustained growth and seven consecutive years of profitability,” said Ken Thompson, TMW’s chief operating officer. “We expected a strong year, but these numbers have exceeded all expectations.”
“Contributing to our growth is the introduction of nine new products and services, including ResultsNow and our real-time watchdog alert system, The Dawg. Real-time business performance is a critical element to survival for companies today. ResultsNow with The Dawg offer that immediacy, and the response from the market has been overwhelming,” said TMW president and CEO Tom Weisz.
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