Ryder System Inc., Miami, Fla., has added a new Carrier Portal to RyderTrac, a Web-based solution
Ryder Launches Carrier Portal
to improve visibility of shipment tracking information.
Through the Carrier Portal, Ryder’s carriers, operations staff and management can follow the detailed progress of customer shipments.
On the main Carrier Portal screen, Ryder carriers can view information on their loads en route, as well as information on their entire day’s loads plan and future loads already tendered. If any load falls behind its intended schedule, it is highlighted on the dashboard for quick visibility, so Ryder operations and the carrier can react quickly and to ensure on-time delivery.
Carriers can track individual loads and enter pick-up and delivery information down to the stop level. All data is updated in real-time and is immediately visible to the end customer.
The new carrier module contains a Microsoft Excel download feature that enables increased reporting and analysis flexibility. Ryder operations will use this feature to enhance carrier reporting and monitor carrier compliance.
For more information, visit www.ryder.com.