Descartes Systems Group Inc., Waterloo, Ont., Canada, has introduced the Descartes RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Pilot Program to help companies measure the costs and benefits of deploying RFID
DesCartes Launches RFID Benefits Testing Program
across a company’s supply chain.
The RFID Pilot Program enables companies to measure the impact of RFID on order fulfillment quality, cycle times, and inventory and asset productivity. The program lets companies test RFID processes in their own company and, optionally, with trading partners and others across the extended supply chain.
According to DesCartes, the RFID Pilot Program is now generally available. The program features site evaluation and laboratory testing of RFID equipment; implementation of RFID equipment through a slice of the supply chain; live monitoring of RFID-enabled orders, inventory and assets during the field test period; measurement of business process improvements; assessment of RFID infrastructure and tag costs; and rollout recommendations.
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