Mitsubishi Fuso Truck of America, Logan Township, N.J., will equip its EPA 2010-emissions compliant commercial trucks with BlueTec technology
Mitsubishi Fuso Chooses BlueTec to Meet EPA 2010 Standards
Mitsubishi Fuso Chooses BlueTec to Meet EPA 2010 Standards
. BlueTec, which is developed by Mitsubishi Fuso and Daimler AG, is an emissions control technology that utilizes selective catalytic reduction to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions for clean, efficient operation.

"BlueTec SCR represents an excellent solution for Mitsubishi Fuso's North American customers to meet EPA 2010 emissions regulations," said Leighton Good, MFTA's manager of product and applications. "It is a proven, easy-to-use technology designed to increase fuel economy while protecting the environment."

BlueTec SCR has been in commercial operation in Europe since 2005, with 250,000 commercial vehicles sold so far, most running in Europe. In addition, Daimler Trucks North America has tested the technology for 25 million miles in preparation to meet EPA 2010 standards.

BlueTec technology will require diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), a solution of two-thirds pure water and one-third automotive-grade urea, to treat exhaust gases downstream of the engine. The DEF reacts with smog-forming nitrogen oxide in an SCR catalyst, reducing the NOx released into the air into nitrogen and water, safe elements in the air we breathe.

BlueTec incorporates emissions technology already present on today's vehicles such as exhaust gas recirculation, diesel oxidation catalyst, and diesel particulate filter. All SCR systems designed to meet EPA 2010 emissions standards will also require the vehicle's operator to keep the truck filled with DEF and the addition of a few new components. These SCR components include: the DEF tank, DEF doser, SCR catalyst, Aftertreatment Control Module (ACM) and the DEF gauge.

A DEF gauge will be integrated into the instrument panel, to allow the driver to readily monitor DEF tank level. In addition, on-board diagnostics will monitor the function of the emissions system to maintain EPA 2010 compliance and immediately communicate system status to the driver.

DEF will be available for purchase from authorized Mitsubishi Fuso dealers, as well as at many select service stations across the country.

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