Double Coin and CMA recently entered a strategic partnership with the Independent Tire Dealer Group (ITDG), which represents more than 780 independent tire and auto service locations across North America.
“We are thrilled to join forces with ITDG to offer their members the opportunity to improve profitability by adding Double Coin’s competitively priced and premium TBR, OTR and IND tires to their catalog,” said Tim Phillips, VP of marketing and operations for Double Coin/CMA.
According to Phillips, the company has not experienced shipping delays from its Thailand manufacturing facility due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We are excited to begin our new partnership with Double Coin Tires,” said Dave Marks, president and CEO of ITDG. “We want to continue providing our members with strong programs that add value to their business.”
Founded in 1994, ITDG provides members with programs that offer products and services needed to run their businesses, including but not limited to tires, wheels, auto parts, lubricants, equipment, social media, website, and marketing support.
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