KLLM Transport Services has accepted an invitation to join the Alliance for Driver Safety & Security, also known as The Trucking Alliance, beginning in 2017.

KLLM is one of the largest refrigerated carriers and is the 36th largest trucking company in the U.S., according to the company. It is headquartered in Jackson, Miss.

“KLLM is committed to creating a safer work environment for truck drivers,” said Kevin Knight, executive chairman of Knight Transportation and vice president of the Trucking Alliance. “The company’s leadership will be a tremendous asset to the Alliance as we work toward advancing needed safety reforms in our industry,”

Jim Richards, president and CEO of KLLM, will serve on the Trucking Alliance board of directors. Wilson Risinger, KLLM’s vice president of safety and security, will join the Alliance’s advisory group, assisting the board of directors with analysis and recommendations on safety and proposals.

“We have an unofficial motto here to ‘either do it right or don’t do it at all’ and the Trucking Alliance is working for the right safety reforms in the freight transportation industry,” said Richards. “KLLM is happy to join this select group of carriers and work together to achieve safety objectives that can make our highways safer for both truck drivers and the general public.”

In addition to KLLM, the Trucking Alliance recently announced that North Carolina-based Cargo Transporters and truck insurance brokerage company Aon Transportation & Risk Solutions will also be joining the group.

“We’re gratified that KLLM and other businesses are joining the Alliance to help us pass proposals that can reduce the number of large truck accidents and injuries on our nation’s highways,” said Steve Williams, Maverick USA chairman and CEO and Trucking Alliance president.