Dana's “Driveline Forensics” series is hosted by Cristy Lee, a skilled technician,...

Dana's “Driveline Forensics” series is hosted by Cristy Lee, a skilled technician, multimediapersonality, motorsports reporter, and avid motorcyclist.

Image: Dana

Dana will add maintenance and inspection videos covering front non-drive steer axles and rear drive-axle carriers to its “Driveline Forensics” commercial-vehicle technician training series, the company said during a Feb. 23 briefing at the annual meeting of the Technology & Maintenance Council in Atlanta.

The “Driveline Forensics” videos are short, easy-to-follow training sessions designed to keep the audience engaged and eager to continue with more videos in the series.

“We are pleased to continue expanding the ‘Driveline Forensics’ series, providing valuable insights and training for commercial-vehicle technicians, whether they are new to the field or industry veterans,” said Mark Wallace, president of Commercial Vehicle Drive and Motion Systems for Dana. “These training courses serve an important purpose in sufficiently preparing today’s technicians to service and maintain evolving vehicle and component technologies.”

The series is hosted by Cristy Lee, a skilled technician, multimedia personality, motorsports reporter, and avid motorcyclist. She is perhaps best known for her work with the MotorTrend (formerly Velocity) network and several other racing series across different networks.

The latest training topic to be added to the series covers steer axle inspection. Several new courses will launch in March, including, steer-axle lubrication, drive-axle inspection, drive-axle carrier assembly removal, and drive-axle carrier assembly prep and replacement.

Dana said additional “Driveline Forensics” episodes will be added throughout the year.

Christy Lee will also be hosting live training sessions in the Dana booth during this week's TMC meeting in Atlanta. Dana subject matter experts will present on primary aspects of vehicle electrification, including high-voltage safety, and electric-vehicle architecture, operation, and maintenance.

The company will also offer training for its digital offerings, including Rhombus TireAnalytics and the efficient procurement of the right replacement parts through Dana’s e-commerce platform.

The live in-booth training session will take place on Tuesday, February 25, from 10:30 am to 2:15 pm EST, and on Wednesday, February 26, from 8:45 am to 12 pm EST, at the Dana booth, #3403.

The “Driveline Forensics” videos are currently available online. To learn more about Cristy Lee, go to her website.


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