Nikola's Energy business unit and TC Energy are actively collaborating to identify and develop...

Nikola's Energy business unit and TC Energy are actively collaborating to identify and develop projects to establish the infrastructure required to deliver low-cost and low-carbon hydrogen at scale

Photo: Nikola

Zero-emissions truck maker Nikola and energy infrastructure company TC Energy will collaborate on co-developing, constructing, operating and owning large-scale hydrogen production facilities, or hubs, in the United States and Canada.

The two companies will work together to identify and develop projects to establish the infrastructure needed to deliver low-cost and low-carbon hydrogen at scale, accelerating the adoption of heavy-duty fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and hydrogen across industrial sectors by establishing hubs in key geographic locations. 

A key objective is to establish hubs producing 150 tonnes or more of hydrogen per day near highly traveled truck corridors to serve Nikola's planned need for hydrogen to fuel its Class 8 FCEVs within the next five years.

TC Energy has pipeline, storage and power assets that potentially can be leveraged to lower the cost and increase the speed of delivery of these hydrogen production hubs. This may include exploring the integration of midstream assets to enable hydrogen distribution and storage via pipeline and/or to deliver CO2 to permanent sequestration sites to decarbonize the hydrogen production process, according to the announcement.

Nikola and TC Energy will evaluate opportunities to optimize excess hub supplies to third parties under a joint marketing and services arrangement.

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