Canada Offers ArriveCan App for Digital Contact Tracing

Image: Public Health Agency of Canada/Canada Border Services Agency

Cross-border truck drivers can now transmit required personal contact information to Canadian Customs and Health officials securely through the ArriveCan app.

Truck drivers and other travelers seeking entry to Canada can now use the ArriveCan app to provide officials with contact information before arriving at the border, simplifying the admission process and minimizing personal contact.

Since July 1, all travelers entering Canada by air, land or sea are being asked to provide personal contact information, symptoms and quarantine destination information. While working truck drivers are exempt from the quarantine requirements, they are now being asked to provide contact information, including email addresses and phone numbers.

Truck drivers using the app can securely transmit the information up to 48 hours prior to arriving at the border. Once collected, the information is linked to data in other travel documents such as passports, FAST cards, etc., and will not have to be provided at future crossings.

"With the ability to capture information requirements electronically, the Government of Canada is also aiming to expand the collection of contact information to those travelers who enter Canada for the purpose of performing an essential job or function," said Chantal Maheu, Canada's deputy minister of Labor, Employment and Social Development.

Developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canada Border Services Agency, the ArriveCAN app is available free through Google Play.

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