The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published guidelines for over-the-road commercial truck drivers in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since drivers constantly encounter potential sources of exposure, like truck stop attendants, store workers, dock workers, and other truck drivers, they may be at increased risk of exposure to the coronavirus.
To protect themselves and slow the spread of the disease, the CDC recommends that drivers:
- Notify supervisors and stay home if they are having symptoms
- Follow CDC recommended precautions if they are well or have a sick family member
- Limit close contact with others
- Wear face masks, wash hands regularly, and avoid touching surfaces when outside truck
- Use pre-qualified truck stops or hotels identified by your employer as having appropriate COVID-19 protections
- When team driving or ride-alongs are required, wear cloth face coverings inside the truck and avoid sharing bedding in the sleeper berth
The CDC also published recommendations for employers, including:
- Provide drivers with accurate information about COVID-19
- Provide drivers with all personal protective equipment and hand sanitizer
- Maintain a healthy work environment for all employees
The webpage also includes information on testing, cleaning and disinfecting, and how to make your own face masks.
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