Garan Lucow Miller, in conjunction with Universal Insurance Services, will present an advanced seminar in Grand Rapids, Mich., on Sept. 8 to motor carriers and their insurance companies.

This seminar is not a generalized review or a simple overview – it is an advanced seminar for senior managers and executives in the trucking industry.
Several speakers will present topics at the forefront of current litigation throughout the United States, including negligent hiring; liability related to owner/operators; non-trucking policies versus trucking policies; and the inter-relationship of the trucking industry with workers compensation and the Michigan No-Fault Act.
The seminar will offer industry insiders advice on specific measures to determine your total cost of risk (TCOR) and provide recommendations to reduce your TCOR.
The presentation also will include premier plaintiff’s attorney R. Kevin Thieme, who will reveal his game plan that has led to multiple seven-figure verdicts and settlements against the industry. Attendees will also see a demonstration by one of North America’s leading and most sought-after accident reconstructionists, Hrycay Consulting Engineers, Inc. that includes a scientific and state-of-the-art visualization to recreate accidents.
This seminar is aimed at senior decision makers who already have a strong knowledge about the litigation issues facing the trucking industry. Send your acceptances via e-mail to
An open house of Garan Lucow Miller, P.C.’s new Grand Rapids office will be conducted at the close of the program. The all-day seminar will start at 8:30 a.m. and be held in the Conference Room on Level A of the 300 Ottawa Building, Grand Rapids, Mich.