The Technology & Maintenance Council of the ATA will hold its 2005 Annual Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition Feb. 15-18
TMC Taps Tampa for Annual Big Do
TMC Taps Tampa for Annual Big Do
at the Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Fla.
The meeting, "Technical Integration . . . A Force for Success in the Trucking Industry," will feature complete programs for both maintenance and information technology/logistics professionals.
John Sullivan, vice president for maintenance and purchasing for Performance Transportation Services and Chairman of TMC's Future Truck Committee will lead the full technical session "Corrosion Prevention Solutions: An Overview of Available Technologies." Other technical sessions for the equipment track include:
* Potential Electrical/Electronic Solutions for Idle Reduction;
* Benefits of New Trends in Truck Tire Technology;
* Fuel Economy Tracking;
* Strategies for Underhood Heat Management;
* Dealing with Truck Complexity;
* New Coupling and Uncoupling Guidelines and Driver Training;
* Material Handling Equipment Concerns;
* Keeping Between the Solid Lines - New Advances in Lane Departure Warning Technology;
* Automatic Lubrication Systems for Light/Medium Trucks; and
* Hydraulic System Maintenance Procedures for Speciality Vehicles.
The 2005 Annual Meeting will provide a full slate of IT and logistics sessions. Technical sessions include:
* Emerging Trends in Transportation Software;
* Data Management & Accident Investigation Collection;
* Carrier Mergers & IT Systems Integration;
* Data Quality - How It Relates to IT and Business Units;
* Open Technology - Its Meaning, Impact and Value for Transportation Operation;
* Modern Day Strategies in Accessing Operational and Maintenance Information;
* Tackling Sarbanes/Oxley - Strategies for the Trucking IT Infrastructure; and
* Carrier RFID Pilots - the Future is Now.
TMC's Transportation Technology Exhibition, trucking's premier equipment exhibit, will feature more than 250 exhibitors over more than 150,000 square feet of exhibit space. The exhibit will include practical, hands-on demonstrations with exhibitor products, giving fleet members an opportunity to inspect equipment and accessories while talking directly to product representatives.
TMC will also offer a Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) workshop in conjunction with the meeting. Registration is $125 for members, $225 for nonmembers.
For meeting registration, or additional meeting or exhibit information, contact TMC at 703-838-1763; or e-mail:
Register online at: Full meeting registration is $350 for TMC/ATA members, $450 for nonmembers until Jan. 21, 2005. Register before Nov. 1 and take an extra $50 off. A spouse's program is available for $200 for members and nonmembers. Housing information will be made available to registrants at TMC's web site and by mail by Nov. 1