McLeod Software has teamed up with Southern Cal Transport to introduce a new marketing initiative called MPowered by McLeod Software, a program that offers incentives to carriers that purchase or upgrade to a new software system
Tom McLeod, president of McLeod Software, demonstrates the new "MPowered by McLeod" decal.
Tom McLeod, president of McLeod Software, demonstrates the new "MPowered by McLeod" decal.

Alabama-based Southern Cal, one of the first adopters of the initiative, hosted a kickoff event this week at its national headquarters in Birmingham, which is also home to McLeod.

In return for incentives, McLeod customers receive MPowered by McLeod Software decals for truck trailers, promoting the McLeod Software brand and the fact that the carrier has invested in its dispatch and operations software.

"This is a very innovative program that benefits our company by saving us money, and we help promote the name our software vendor partner McLeod Software," said Ken Adams, president of Southern Cal Transport. "We align ourselves with the best products, services, practices and vendors in the transportation industry, and we have long been a McLeod Software customer."

Companies throughout the U.S. have already committed to placing 6,000 decals.

"It is a win-win situation," said Tom McLeod, president and CEO of McLeod Software. "In tough times, you have to think more creatively and it appears that in this economic climate our customers favor this new program to help their businesses succeed."

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