The Canadian Trucking Alliance developed training materials to help truck drivers learn how...

The Canadian Trucking Alliance developed training materials to help truck drivers learn how submit travel details through the ArriveCan app before entering Canada.

Photo: Jim Park

The Canadian government recently announced that truck drivers would be required to use ArriveCAN as part of the re-entry process back into Canada. In order to facilitate a smooth transition to this new mandatory requirement, the Canadian Trucking Alliance developed training materials to help drivers learn how to use the application.

The CTA training package contains a step-by-step tutorial video explaining how to download and use the ArriveCan app on smart devices, and how to electronically submit the proper information via the app to the government of Canada before entry into Canada.

It also includes an accompanying infographic highlighting the instructions from the video, and a document featuring frequently asked questions about the policy and requirements.

“We are confident CTA’s instructional information package will assist drivers who are unfamiliar with smart device technology or their responsibilities in complying with the new policy.” said CTA’s Policy director, Lak Shoan.

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