FMCSA to Hold Virtual Trucking Safety Summit

Photo: Jim Park

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration recently announced that the 2020 Trucking Safety Summit will be held virtually on August 5, 2020. The meeting’s focus will be to finding ways to improve the safe operation of commercial motor vehicles on the nation’s roadways.

The virtual meeting will provide motor carriers, drivers, safety technology developers and users, Federal and State partners, and safety advocacy groups an opportunity to share their ideas on improving trucking safety. The event will be hosted virtually by FMCSA from the U.S. Department of Transportation headquarters building in Washington, D.C.

The virtual public meeting will be held Wednesday, August 5, 2020, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., EDT, and will include a brief public comment period in the mid to late afternoon. A full agenda of the meeting is available online.

Presentations and public participation will also be provided electronically to ensure compliance with federal guidelines for public events during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Due to limitations on electronic participation, advance registration is required. Those wishing to submit written comments, data, or analysis on trucking safety may do so here: Docket No. FMCSA–2020–0076.

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