Networkfleet, a wireless fleet management company, released Networkfleet Connect, a set of field management capabilities that integrate with compatible Garmin navigation devices.

With Networkfleet Connect, fleet managers can assign jobs, dispatch drivers to specific destinations, provide turn-by-turn directions and communicate with drivers in real time, all via the driver's in-cab Garmin device.

The product gives service and delivery fleets the ability to efficiently manage job creation to completion, allowing them to respond quickly to customers, improve routing and increase the number of jobs.

Primary features include:

* Job Creation/Dispatch: Create and assign jobs by address, landmark, lat/long and vehicle, dispatch drivers to specified destinations via their in-cab Garmin device, and proactively schedule jobs in real-time or for future dates and times.

* Two-way Messaging: Communicate in real time with drivers in the field, including custom driver response options (free form text, yes/no, etc.). Send notifications in real-time or schedule messages to drivers with important job-related information.

* Connect Dashboard: Access at-a-glance job snapshots showing jobs in progress, recently completed jobs as well as a summary of the day's job activity. View most recent messages sent between drivers and dispatchers.

* In-Cab Garmin Features: View, accept, and update job status directly from the Garmin device and access turn-by-turn navigation and directions to specified job sites.

Networkfleet Connect is compatible with Garmin devices that support Fleet Management Interface Version 2.6 and higher.