Electronic Commerce Systems Inc. has announced the immediate availability of its Performance EDI software.

The software allows trucking companies to respond to the retailer's request for electronic status messages and invoices in ANSI X12 EDI formats. (EDI, which stands for Electronic Data Interchange, was developed to provide standard forms for electronic commerce in the years before the Internet. It is still widely used over traditional communications networks and the Internet as well.)
The company says that retailers are asking their trucking companies to provide them with electronic notices to give them real-time status of the goods in transit. While the retailers are well equipped to accept these transmissions, most trucking companies aren't well equipped to send them. The difficulty is in preparing the notices, translating them into the unique format required by the retailer, and securely sending them so that they arrive in time to be useful. Compounding the problem is that this process may take place dozens of times each day.
The ECS solution is packaged software and secure network transport, with all the necessary EDI transactions sought by the retailers.
ECS will provide these transaction maps and software, along with a secure Internet transaction mailbox, for a price that is well below the price of a traditional EDI translator. With Performance EDI, users can either originate the transactions by keying the necessary data into an electronic form, or they can integrate it with back-office applications that already have the necessary information to create the transactions.
The software is available through normal ECS distribution channels.
Contact the company at (800) 787-4037 for more information.