ATA's TMC has partnered with a company to provide vehicle cybersecurity training at a discounted rate. - Source: Canva/ATA/HDT Illustration

ATA's TMC has partnered with a company to provide vehicle cybersecurity training at a discounted rate.

Source: Canva/ATA/HDT Illustration

American Trucking Associations' Technology & Maintenance Council, through a joint effort with Serjon, now is offering commercial vehicle cybersecurity training online for TMC and ATA members at a discounted rate, 10% off an individual lessor or a series bundle.

ATA said there are several reasons to consider this training, including:

  • The 2023 Travelers Risk Index reported that 55% of transportation leaders expressed considerable concern about cyber risks.
  • According to the 2024 Third-Party Logistics Study, the adoption of emerging technologies is deemed crucial for future supply chain growth by 87% of shippers and 94% of third-party logistics providers.
  • Proxima, a consulting firm specializing in supply chain and procurement, noted a significant 700% surge in cyberattacks across the supply chain since their implementation.
  • In October, Estes Express Lines, one of the largest for-hire carriers in North America, disclosed a significant ransomware attack.

The trucking industry adds $750 billion to the economy yearly, with over 80% of U.S. communities relying solely on trucks to receive their goods.

What Is It?

Serjon created a practical cybersecurity training program with modules. This program helps those in charge of IT systems and decision-makers protect their businesses from threats. It also teaches how to respond to incidents and make organizations stronger against cyber-attacks.

Why You Need It

The training is not just informative but also practical and affordable, ATA said, making it an ideal online resource for small- and medium-sized businesses.

The course includes eight modules covering cyber threats, cybersecurity basics, firewalls, endpoint protection, equipment setup, and more.

More information is available at the program site, or by emailing

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