The D-430 retains the advanced features and functionality of its predecessor, the D-410, while offering improvements to the four onboard camera sensors and processing capabilities. - Photo: Netradyne

The D-430 retains the advanced features and functionality of its predecessor, the D-410, while offering improvements to the four onboard camera sensors and processing capabilities.

Photo: Netradyne

Netradyne introduced a video safety device with powerful processing capabilities, upgraded imaging sensors, improved visual object detection and a higher accuracy GPS to its Driveri product line.

The D-430 retains the advanced features and functionality of its predecessor, the D-410, while offering improvements to the four onboard camera sensors and processing capabilities.

“With this newest release, we have pushed the boundaries of computational power, thereby enabling the system to quickly and accurately recognize superior driving performance or address risky driving behavior in real-time before it becomes an unsafe event,” said Avneesh Agrawal, Netradyne CEO, in a press release.

Driveri provides fleet managers with a comprehensive view of drivers’ activity through a blend of real-time, positive driving notifications and best practice identification. It provides a balance of positive, supportive comments along with constructive feedback – engaging drivers in balanced interactions that promote productive and collaborative relationships, and ultimately safer drivers, the company said.

Driveri also provides automated weekly coaching sessions that are pushed to the driver through the Driveri mobile app. Built for driver engagement and coaching, the Driveri mobile app is a tool for both drivers and fleet safety managers to enhance driver safety.

The app provides drivers with real-time access to view and improve their GreenZone driver score and ranking. GreenZone is a driver score built to recognize good driving, versus solely focusing on negative events. Drivers can self-coach by reviewing key events with accompanying suggestions on how to improve performance and increase their score.

Driveri’s new features and functionality includes:

  • Recommended Coaching: Helps fleets determine which drivers to coach to improve risky driving behaviors. Drivers with low GreenZone Scores, significant drops in their scores as compared to the previous week, or high alert rate are automatically selected for coaching on a weekly basis.
  • Compound Alerts: Adds context to existing base alerts and highlight risky driving events involving multiple driving behaviors.
  • Vehicle Groups: Enables fleets to assign vehicles to the same groups as drivers or create “vehicle-only” groups.
  • Vehicle Locator/Live Tracking Improvements: Provides greater visibility into vehicle location, ignition status, vehicle speed, date and time the location was last updated, and city/state.