Biodiesel. It's your sustainability and performance solution.

Major companies everywhere are putting more emphasis on environmentally friendly approaches to transportation and fuel management. This is particularly true for fleets. And it is hard to overstate the consequences for fleets that ignore this growing push for sustainability.

Who's applying the pressure?

  • Outside groups — The public, investors, employees and customers.
  • Customers — A company's track record on sustainability may be a factor in keeping existing business and winning new business.
  • Internal decision-makers — Because using renewable fuels can help an organization conserve fuel and improve its financials.

Sustainability is about more than fuel. However, improving fuel efficiency and reducing carbon emissions are issues that have taken center stage in both environmentally responsible and business-friendly practices.

It is possible to reduce emissions while boosting the bottom line. REG breaks it down in the white paper Driving Toward Sustainability — How Fleets Benefit From Alternative Fuels.

It's clear. Biodiesel and renewable hydrocarbon diesel are winners — not only environmentally, but financially too.