Build Your Own Report helps fleets break down telematics data into actionable and specific...

Build Your Own Report helps fleets break down telematics data into actionable and specific reports.

Image via Teletrac Navman

GPS fleet management company Teletrac Navman announced a new bundle in its Director analytics platform called Build Your Own Report.

Build Your Own Report helps fleet managers brake down data into easily digestible bits and points to actionable decisions. The bundle can help transform raw data from telematics devices into easy-to-understand reports through:

  • Tailored formats: create reports populated with only the data relevant to individual team members, in a variety of layouts
  • Extensive filtering: users can filter against any metric, and can drag and drop data into and out of the interface without creating separate reports for every new data combo

By taking telematics beyond data collection, Build Your Own Report helps fleets set the right reporting metrics and make use of the reports, alerts and notifications to catch outliers in operations and make operational changes that can improve business.