While record-setting cold weather has let up across many affected portions of the United States, the number of waivers to trucking rules issued by states continues growing.

In Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Corbett has waived certain federal regulations for drivers hauling propane and home heating oil. It is in effect through Jan. 26.. 

In Illinois the state Department of Transportation is waiving some federal rules for truckers hauling propane through Jan 16. 

There is also an emergency order that was put in place in Connecticut on Friday that runs through Jan. 16, for drivers hauling diesel, gasoline, propane and heating oil. 

An order similar to the one in Illinois is also currently in place in Kansas through Jan. 14.

Propane transporters in Kentucky are also getting a break from some federal rules through Jan. 28., while Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick has renewed one regarding diesel, gasoline heating oil and propane shipments through Jan 12.

In Minnesota, the state DOT has extended two previous emergency declarations. One exempts truckers from certain rules if they are providing emergency assistance  while the other applies to those hauling fuel oil, gasoline, diesel, ethanol and biodiesel. They are in effect through Feb. 9 and Feb. 7, respectively.

New York state has extended it waiver for drivers from some hours of service rules on intrastate shipments of gasoline and heating fuels through the end of the month

Other emergency orders continue in states such as Arkansas, Maine, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Vermont and Wisconsin. You can see of of them by logging on to the FMCSA website