Opponents to Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder's recent deal with Canada to build a second bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario, have submitted nearly twice as many signatures as needed to get the issue on the November ballot.
Border Bridge Opponents Submit Signatures to Put it to a Popular Vote

Gov. Snyder, unable to get a funding measure passed by the state legislature, recently announced a deal reached with Canada that will see our northern neighbors pay for the U.S. share of construction costs, in exchange for future toll revenues.

The People Should Decide submitted an estimated 609,220 signatures to the Michigan Bureau of Elections of Michigan last week. Their amendment to the Michigan constitution would require voter approval of all future government-sponsored international crossings.

Mickey Blashfield, director of the group, is also director of governmental relations for the existing, privately owned Ambassador Bridge, which is opposed to the second bridge project.

"We believe Governor Snyder is trying to circumvent the will of the people of this state," said Blashfield. "He has attempted to go around state legislators after the people's representatives examined all the facts and rejected his proposal."

The Bureau of Elections requires 322,609 valid signatures in order to place the question on the statewide November election ballot; The People Should Decide far exceeded this requirement by submitting nearly 190% percent more than the required number.

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